Category: In English
Can experience and passion spark a new, creative revolution
About a week ago I saw a short note in Bob Hoffman’s newsletter about “London’s newest and oldest agency”. Ancient & Modern is both completely new and…

Time to wake up!
It is really about time for marketers and advertising consultants to think carefully about what they are doing. Otherwise there is a great risk that…

When crisis strikes
THE SHORT STORY Sooner or later every company or organization faces situations that can develop into a crisis. Regardless of the background to the situation,…

Is your brand strong, just well known or generic?
THE SHORT STORY: The fact that a brand is well known is not the same as a strong brand. In the worst case, it can…

Experience is not a handicap
THE SHORT STORY: Ageism has been a problem for a long time. The attitude that people have a “best-before”-date and that competence and employability are…

How psychology can be a tool for marketers
THE SHORT STORY: The interest in behavioral economics has grown over the years, ever since the psychologist Daniel Kahneman was rewarded Nobel Memorial Prize in…

After femvertising, the next step is humvertising
THE SHORT STORY Studies have shown that femvertising works very well, in all types of media, in pictures and on film. The resistance to advertising…

Great advertising makes consumers want more advertising
THE SHORT STORY: Great advertising has a value in itself. Sara Rosengren and Micael Dahlén, professors at the Stockholm School of Economics, have studied this phenomenon and…

Get better results – in many ways – without stereotypes
THE SHORT STORY: Good advertising is not only important for the development of brands and companies. It can also be a positive power in society.…
Purchased, own or earned? But you really have to earn it!
Skilled companies today know that they act in a bright spotlight on an open stage, where every movement is recorded, evaluated and discussed. And most…